Project closing meeting
We held the online project closing meeting on 27 May, 2022 with the participation of the coordinators and experts supporting the realization of our initiative.
We summarized the project events and results, introduced the General, the Slovakian, and the Polish white papers, and opened the flow for reflections, questions & conclusions. It was an active discussion, that underlined the partners’ common motivation and ambition to represent the Jewish perspective when talking about education.
One of the hot topics was the so-far low interest of decision-makers in this project. Polish and Slovakian colleagues explained the political background and possible reasons for the low interest. The project’s leading expert, who supervised also the successfully completed Hungarian textbook-project, emphasized the importance and necessity of persistence to achive results.
The project parties are interested to strengthen each other and continue working together. Our aim and view remain the same, and we should find out additional channels to represent it. The coordinators and experts have reassured each other that they are available for consultations and discussions also after the project closing meeting.