Alapító Kuratórium

Daniel Bodnár

Daniel Bodnár

Kuratórium Elnöke, EMIH Vezetőségi tag


The hour has come when accountability cannot be shifted on any longer. The hour has come when all of us must take the responsibility of shaping our fate, of influencing key issues of our lives.

Present and future of Jewish communities have a significant share and self-contained, very peculiar liability in defining the general condition of Jewish citizens. 147 years after having the basic document of Jewish emancipation framed we should get even with the illusion of Jewish community. Abandoning Jewish identity, an absolute and definite assimilation is not a pledge for peaceful coexistence. Voluntary renouncement of belonging to a Jewish community and evading do not bring peace but in many cases engenders distrust and suspicion. Jewish communities should project pride, the ability of self-organising and supreme consciousness..

We should be able to exceed our grievances and show knowledge, competence and not in the last place the intent of solving the problems regarding the most important questions about Jewish communities. We should understand and made understood that the pledge of Jewish communities’ wellbeing is to extract Jewish cases and the case of Jewish communities from the scheme of decade-long political games and bargains once for all.
It is our responsibility to state: Jewish community serves the common good of the nation. The rise of the nation, coexistence free from hate and prejudices is the common interest of the whole country, a matter of general concernment.

Daniel Bodnár
Chairmen of the Board of Trustees



Kuratórium tagja

A zsidó élet mindennapjainak könnyebb megélése szempontjából nagyon fontosnak tartom, hogy a magyarországi zsidó közösség fokozottabb önszerveződést mutasson, melynek egyik leghatékonyabb módja a Tett és Védelem Alapítvány lehet, ezért örülök, hogy már a kezdetektől szorosan részt vehetek ebben a munkájában.